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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Search Rankings Whats that? | Search Engine Advertising Santa Clarita

Ever wonder how your website ranks in the search engines?
Ever wonder how Google and Yahoo first page listings got their?
We'll let start off by saying that in upwards of 90% of the search engine traffic is organic!

The organic or natural listings refer to the non paid section of the search engines. What this means to you if your website comes up in these listings your visitors are free! You're a not paying for pay per click campaign! Organic listings for the most part are permanent. This is of course till the search engines change their algorithm.

While to answer the first question if you don't see your website within the top two pages of the search results your web sites not doing well. You can change that!

Now to answer the second question. Websites got their high rankings through relevant content, clean code, specific title tags and much more. It doesn't cost thousands of the pay per click campaign to have your website ranked high in the search results.

What if you can have your website of the top of listings reaching out your target demographic and increasing your sales for just a little bit more a month than the evert cell phone bill? Would you be interested? If so I can help! Please feel free to give me a call at 661 309 74 72.

I don't stop working on your website till your web site is listed on the first page.

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