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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Advertising Santa Clarita, Valencia, SEO Santa Clarita

Hi there 2Xtreme Dave here with yet another exciting article on advertising within the Santa Clarita valley. I've realized that most businesses within Santa Clarita that have a web presence are not optimized to be found within the search results.

While you may be finding yourself asking the question of, " what does this mean and why does it matter to me?" Well what it means is that people are not paying attention to the biggest advertising market they could possibly have. The Internet! Now let's break this down to just the Santa Clarita valley. Here in Santa Clarita there's a population of over 300,000 people. Most of the businesses with and that Santa Clarita valley are not advertising specifically to this valley. Why not? Isn't this the target demographic that they would want?, Or is it simply they just don't know how to advertise to this direct market online?

Let's say for example my business was selling a dog washing service. I have a simple little shop and a web site that nobody can find. What do I do here? While I have a web presence isn't that enough? No that is definitely not enough. People think poof, I have a website people are gonna find it because it is online. This simply just isn't the case.

So I have a dog wash in service and is OK but I want people within the Santa Clarita valley to use my services. I'm targeting a global key word that is already 100% saturated of DOg Washing. I don't need people from India calling me to wash their dog right? I wanna advertise to my target demographic which would Be a radius of about 20 miles from my shop. Hmmmm so targeting a global key word wont work for me and it's already a saturated market so what do I do?

I target a 20 mile radius through zip codes and city names. Also including my service of washing dogs. So within my content of my website I would use a phrase like" dog washing Santa Clarita" and/or " dog washing 91350".

This will do what for me? This will target your audience online within your area Santa Clarita to be able to fined your services within the search results. why? Because the way that people search is they search within their own backyard. So what I'm saying is people target a search. Dog washing within Santa Clarita. There is your phrase. This is just one example of how people within Santa Clarita that are small business owners should think about hitting their targeted demographic in their own backyard. If you are not targeting your website for you business within your own town you are missing out on a lot of business. MONEY! SEO Santa Clarita can help you with you internet Marketing needs and web design Santa Clarita can build you new websites! Hurray! Call me today 661-309-7472

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1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Nice stuff, do keep me posted when you post again something like this! marketing1on1 website
